Developing a 100 MW hydrogen production hub in Sines, Portugal

By ENGIE - 22 December 2021 - 14:46

ENGIE is part of the consortium of companies developing the GreenH2Atlantic project to demonstrate the viability of green hydrogen production on an unprecedented scale in the region of Sines, in the South of Portugal. 


GreenH2Atlantic consists of developing a first-of a kind 100 MW electrolyzer to produce green hydrogen from new fields of renewable electricity, anticipating the latest renewable energy directive RED2 and subsequent regulation in Europe.  

This new hydrogen plant, located in the EDP coal-fired power plant currently being decommissioned, aims at decarbonizing hard-to-abate industries uses such as the Petrogal refinery and greenifying the existing natural gas network operated by REN through the injection of renewable hydrogen.   

This project has already secured a €30 million grant under the Horizon 2020 – Green Deal Call for projects to finance the plant's construction, which should start in 2023, with the operation expected at the end of 2025, subject to securing the necessary authorizations by the authorities. Part of the funding will be attributed to ENGIE, leading the development of innovative digital energy and hydrogen management system to be optimize tested on the GreenH2Antlantic facilities. This system will make it possible to best absorb the intermittency of the production of renewable fields and secure the hydrogen supply into industrial uses. 

The excellent quality of renewable energies (wind and solar), the infrastructure of the Sines industrial zone and the participation in the consortium of industrialists who will be consumers of the hydrogen produced are solid fundamentals for the start-up of the renewable hydrogen economy in Portugal.