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Observatoire Social International

By ENGIE - 15 June 2022 - 10:37

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OSI aims to be a laboratory of ideas and initiatives on major economic and social challenges faced by businesses and society. It contributes to better consider the social challenges in the process of globalization.


In 2023, OSI's activities will focus on two issues:

  • Pluriactivity and the phenomenon of “slashers”
  • The reenchantment of work and professional activity places, in hybrid organizations.

About us

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It is in this context that Dominique Fortin, so HRD Group, and Jean Kaspar, social strategies Adviser and former secretary general of the CFDT, have the idea that a small group of informal discussion on “social requirements globalization “with associated HRD and several trade unionists, academics and international experts.

The relevance of discussions initiated in Rome, rich debates lead Gérard Mestrallet, Chairman of Suez to propose the creation of an independent association open to all stakeholders and schools of thought.


OSI was created in December 2000 and includes hundreds of partners around the world.

The idea

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It is in this context that Dominique Fortin, so HRD Group, and Jean Kaspar, social strategies Adviser and former secretary general of the CFDT, have the idea that a small group of informal discussion on “social requirements 

The International Social Observatory was born on the basis of two great insights.


The first intuition was to consider that if he wanted to be perceived positively by people around the world, the process of globalization could not be limited to the financial and economic spheres. Social and cultural dimensions should be better taken into account, otherwise globalization appear exclusively as a set of risks, not opportunities for the vast majority of women and men. Globalization must be built on both legs: economic AND social.


The second intuition was linked to the fact that only cooperation strategies between the actors (political, economic, social, cultural, community and academics) were such as to enable the emergence of right answers to the multiple challenges of globalization requires us to face. This is an indispensable cultural reversal if we are to meet the social demands of globalization. The latter forces us to leave our thinking patterns, to create the conditions for implementing multifaceted partnerships.


The operation of OSI and his way of working is based on this dual intuition.

The association & Structure

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The association


The International Social Observatory aims to be a laboratory of ideas and initiatives on major economic and social challenges faced by businesses and society.


It contributes to better take into account the social challenges in the process of globalization. He wants to strengthen the social dimension of sustainable development and promote the exercise of corporate social responsibility.

It brings together companies, trade unions, universities, consultants and other partners.

His approach is resolutely international, partnership and foresight, in the respect for cultural diversity. He is active today in Europe, Morocco and Chile, with growth prospects in Brazil and China.

Specifically, it regularly organizes:

  • the “Appointment of O.S.I.” On major social issues, around personalities of the world of business, trade unionism, international institutions, political and intellectual world
  • Breakfast on current issues
  • International Symposium, with the participation of international personalities


He initiated two commitments signed by many companies, several French unions, the European Trade Union Confederation and association leaders on:

  • the right to education and training throughout life (2003)
  • the right to health and well-being at work (2010).


Today, its Working Groups, which bring together business leaders or associations, trade unionists, academics, researchers and consultants, are themed:

  • well-being at work and the universal right to health
  • issues of corporate governance
  • the development of human capital
  • the changing role and mission managers
  • social finance in globalization


He regularly publishes the Letter of OSI.





The International Social Observatory is an association of the annual General Assembly brings together members (who have a right to vote) but also active partners who contribute to our reflections and participate in our work. Around his President Muriel Morin, the bureau shall apply the guidelines and objectives set by the General Assembly. Finally OSI receives the provision of a Policy Board composed of personalities from different walks college.


Role and tasks of the General Meeting

The General Assembly is responsible for:

  • Proceed to the annual assessment of the activity of the association,
  • Identify opportunities and set new priorities
  • To elect the President of the association,
  • Extend the scope of intervention of OSI.


Role and tasks of the Office

The Office‘s mission, under the responsibility of the President and the leadership of Managing Director of:

  • Implement the guidelines and decisions taken by the General Assembly,
  • Developing networks and partnerships in the implementation of our policies and ambitions,
  • Take measures to ensure the development of the association,
  • Regularly organize “Rendezvous OSI“ on topical themes or work in progress,
  • Liaise with Regional Delegations.


Role and operation of the Advisory Board

The Orientation Board is composed of members and partners interested in our work and recognized for their expertise and ability to perceive the changes that companies face, stakeholders and the wider society.

It has a triple role:

  • Evaluate the progress of our work,
  • Make proposals on emerging issues that it would be useful to treat as part of our action plan,
  • We help expand our network.

Purpose and principles of operation

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The Association was born December 6, 2000 in Rome


It aims to:

  • Actively contributing to the genuine integration of the social, ethical and environmental in the globalization process.


To reconcile the need for economic efficiency and the requirements of social cohesion, development of partnerships and the strengthening of social dialogue are essential;

  • Implementing, building and managing international networks open to natural or legal persons from business, labor, institutional, political, associations and universities;
  • Initiate and structure exchanges and discussions in accordance with the aims of the Association;
  • Provide guidance and conduct concrete actions and experiments;
  • Learn from these achievements;
  • Promote and share initiatives by all appropriate means.

Main actors

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OSI met many members who joined the initial core of the founders: 


Current members:

  • Schneider-Electric
  • France Télécom
  • la RATP
  • Ciments Français
  • Rhodia
  • Malakoff-Médéric
  • Vigeo
  • Bernard Julhiet Consulting
  • la CGPME
  • la CFDT
  • Réalités du Dialogue Social
  • l’Université René Descartes
  • l’UNSA
  • la CFE-CGC


Through the many initiatives it has undertaken since its inception, OSI brings together a network of active partners.

  • Total, Danone, Lafarge, La Poste, Thales, Veolia, SNCF, ESSEC Alumni, ETUC, Europe & Society, Confrontations Europe, participating in its activities and its working groups 

Activities and events

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Activities in Europe:

  • The managers of tomorrow
  • Well-being at work and health
  • Extended enterprises and new forms of employment
  • Human development and sustainable performance
  • The managers of tomorrow
  • Well-being at work and health
  • Extended enterprises and new forms of employment

Activities in Sub-Saharan Africa: :

  • Economic Development
  • Social Development and Welfare
  • Cultural Development and Corporate Values
  • Sustainable Development and Environment


Activities in China :

  • Sino-European Forum
  • Creation of OSI in China
  • Fr3C - French CSR Club in China

Activities in Morocco :

  • Entrepreneurship, Training and Professional Insertion
  • The symposiums
  • The initial symposium


Pluriactivity and the phenomenon of slashers

Pluriactivity and the number of "slashers" are increasing strongly. A term that designates workers who combine several jobs or complementary activities.
To better understand this phenomenon, the Observatoire Social International (OSI) and the ESSEC Chair of Change are conducting a vast survey.

To participate, give your opinion and share your experience, a questionnaire has been put online.

The results will be presented in the first semester of 2023 at a face-to-face event.

If you wish to participate, please fill in this registration form.


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If you have a question or need information, please email us.