This investment will boost the development of HomeBiogas’ easy-to-install B2C biogas systems in both Europe and emerging countries and contribute to the global development of green gas and access to low-carbon and reliable energy.
By ENGIE - 24 July 2018 - 12:00
This investment will boost the development of HomeBiogas’ easy-to-install B2C biogas systems in both Europe and emerging countries and contribute to the global development of green gas and access to low-carbon and reliable energy.
Launched by ENGIE on 15 February 2018 and concluded on 2 August, the Link 2018 employee shareholding plan enabled more than 40,000 Group employees in 18 countries to take part, with a total amount of 340 million euros in subscriptions, representing 33 million shares.
This is the first employee shareholding operation since the strategic shift made by ENGIE in 2016 aimed at refocusing the Group on growth businesses, a move whose realisation is the result of the commitment of its employees. The number of subscribers increased by more than 25% compared to the previous initiative, Link 2014, demonstrating employees' confidence in the transformation plan.
In France, more than 30,000 employees have made a 10-year commitment by subscribing to the new Link+ scheme.
Employee shareholders now hold more than 4% of ENGIE's capital.
The Group is thus allowing its employees to contribute in a different way to its transformation, by acquiring shares in the company on preferential terms.
We are a global energy and services group, focused on three core activities: low-carbon power generation, mainly based on natural gas and renewable energy, global networks and customer solutions. Driven by our ambition to contribute to a harmonious progress, we take up major global challenges such as the fight against global warming, access to energy to all, or mobility, and offer our residential customers, businesses and communities energy production solutions and services that reconcile individual and collective interests. Our integrated - low-carbon, high-performing and sustainable - offers are based on digital technologies. Beyond energy, they facilitate the development of new uses and promote new ways of living and working. Our ambition is conveyed by each of our 150,000 employees in 70 countries. Together with our customers and partners, they form a community of imaginative builders who invent and build today solutions for tomorrow.2017 turnover: 65 billion Euros. Listed in Paris and Brussels (ENGI), the Group is represented in the main financial (CAC 40, BEL 20, Euro STOXX 50, STOXX Europe 600, MSCI Europe, Euronext 100, FTSE Eurotop 100, Euro STOXX Utilities, STOXX Europe 600 Utilities) and extra-financial indices (DJSI World, DJSI Europe and Euronext Vigeo Eiris - World 120, Eurozone 120, Europe 120, France 20, CAC 40 Governance). To learn more : www.engie.com