A summer brimming with World Championships for Team ENGIE

By ENGIE - 01 September 2023 - 15:26


Raphaël Beaugillet wins bronze in the World Para Cycling Track Championships in Glasgow

Following two fourth places last year and yet another fourth-place finish in the one-kilometre time trial, our athlete Raphael Beaugillet and his pilot Quentin Caleyron (supported by the SNCF) podiumed in third place in the speed trial.

“We clocked 9”959 – making us the first French tandem to come in at under 10”, and only the fourth or fifth in the world”, said Raphaël. That bodes well for Paris next year.


Wilfried Happio – just a hair’s breadth away from qualifying for the world athletics finals

A disappointment for the Team ENGIE athlete who found himself eliminated in the semi-finals of the 400 m hurdles. Finishing seventh in the semi-finals in 48”83, Wilfried failed to qualify, losing out on a place in the World Finals in Budapest. Wilfred is still determined and has not lost sight of his ambitions!


Madeleine Malonga, second in the Budapest Grand Slam in the under-78 kg category

Triumphant, Madeleine made it through to the semi-finals, beating fellow Frenchwoman Fanny Estelle Posvite. The Team ENGIE athlete lost in the finals to Israeli Inbar Lanir, the 2023 World Champion. Despite everything, this silver medal represents an excellent performance – the level at this Budapest Grand Slam was comparable to that of a world championship event.

“I have no regrets – what's important is remaining true to myself – whether I win or I lose. I stayed true to myself – triumphant”.


Luka Mkheidze did not live up to his true potential at the Budapest Grand Slam

Luka was eliminated in the second round of the tournament, in the under-60 kg category. The Team ENGIE is going to take some time off before embracing the new sports season which is fast approaching. We'll see him on 22 September at the Azerbaijan Grand Slam.

“It was the last tournament of the season: the Master. And it did not turn out as I hoped it would, obviously. The work goes on, though… but first a break for me. It's what I need to replenish my energy and spend some time with my family”.


Axel Mazella wins bronze at the World Kitefoil Championships

Having won the Test Event, the Team ENGIE athlete won bronze in the World Championships in The Hague (Netherlands). Given this performance and just how regularly he delivers, Axel is ideally positioned to represent France in the men's kitesurfing next year – which will feature in the Olympics for the first time.


Poema Newland finishes in the top 10 in the World Kitefoiling Championships

Poema finished eighth in the World Championships and was second Frenchwoman, behind Lauriane Nolot, who was crowned World Champion. Poema will keep trying in a bid to qualify next summer. 


Elodie Clouvel, 11th in the World Modern Pentathlon Championships

The Team ENGIE made it through to the semi-finals of the World Championships, finishing in 11th place with 1098 points. Elodie finished in the lead in the fencing, then posted the third fastest time in the swimming. But the laser run proved more of a challenge for her – she finished in 18th position.

A disappointment that she shares with her partner French pentathlete Valentin Belaud – he finished in eighth place in these Championships. Elodie will now take some time off and come back stronger, in a bid to qualify for next summer. 

Future major Team ENGIE fixtures:

  • 4 to 10 September: European para table tennis championships with Fabien Lamirault.

  • 3 to 5 November: European judo Championships with Luka Mkheidze & Madeleine Malonga.


ENGIE is supporting ten high-level athletes this year as part of the French Sports Foundation’s “Performance Pact”. The goal for the ten Team ENGIE athletes is naturally to qualify and compete next summer.



Team ENGIE, supporting their performance, revealing their talent!


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