Association with Stakeholders

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Association with trade unions at both Group and local level

ENGIE’s vigilance plan and its operational implementation are regularly presented and discussed with the employee representative bodies and representatives, via the existing committees: the Group European Works Council, and entities are also required to organize a social dialogue according to applicable national law to exchange on the duty of vigilance. Moreover, the plan is presented to the Ethics, Environment and Sustainable Development Committee which reports to the Board of Directors. This approach was implemented in 2018 as soon as the first vigilance plan was adopted within ENGIE.


At local level, entities must present the vigilance plan and the obligations arising from the law to their employee representative organisations. For entities that do not have employee representative institutions, entities are encouraged to present the approach directly to employees. The monitoring of these actions by the entities is integrated into the ethics compliance processes that are internal control and the annual ethics compliance report.


Since 2020, as part of each annual internal control campaign, a section has been specially dedicated to the vigilance plan in order to assess the level of deployment of the vigilance plan within the Group's entities, knowledge of the plan and of these obligations by the different managerial levels and the employees (presentation and exchanges within the Management Committees and institutions representing the personnel of each entity; Information of employees, etc.). 


New global agreement on fundamental rights and social responsibility

ENGIE signed, on January 20, 2022, with the global trade union federations (GUF) BWI, IndustriALL and PSI, as well as with representative French trade unions at ENGIE level (CFDT, CFE-CGC, CGT and FO), an agreement on fundamental rights and social responsibility. The agreement is in line with the global agreement signed in 2010.

The new global agreement is a tool to help the deployment of the vigilance approach. It was negotiated and signed with all the social partners of the Group. Within the framework of this agreement, ENGIE's duty of vigilance is the subject of a strengthened social dialogue: working group discussions were organized with the Global trade union federations (GUF) in 2022. These exchanges led to the adoption of the process described below. The “Global Forum”, a body that monitors the global agreement implementation, meets once a year. These discussions also allow us to monitor the vigilance approach in consultation with the social partners.

The Global agreement also provides for annual exchange and dialogue meetings at managerial entity level (mostly at country level, under the aegis of the country manager). These meetings focus in particular on the development and implementation of the Group's vigilance plan, and ensure that the vigilance plan has been presented and discussed with employee representatives in each entity, together with the risks and actions implemented.


Process for GUFs' contribution to the vigilance approach

The concertation provided for in the global agreement resulted in the following arrangement:


1) An association of GUFs and the Secretary of the Global Forum as of  the 2022 ENGIE’s vigilance plan through:

  • Sending the draft  vigilance plan before its publication in the Universal Registration Document (URD);
  • Communication of the risk map prior to its publication.
  • An exchange on these documents organized within the Global Forum contact group.


2) A general summary of the ethical alerts (by type and GBU)  presented and discussed at the annual meeting of the Global Forum.


3) Summaries of the presentations of the vigilance Plan and the local risk analysis produced at the Group's regional hubs (LatAm, Northam, AMEA and Europe) and presented to the Global Forum along with the other elements of the vigilance Plan.


This system has already been deployed for the 2022 vigilance plan and as of the 2023 Global Forum. It has been continued for the 2023 vigilance plan and will also be deployed for the Global Forum scheduled for 2024.


Parties Prenantes EN

Dialogue with stakeholders at operational level: a Group objective

In order to prevent and manage the human rights, environmental and societal impacts of its activities as effectively as possible, ENGIE has adopted a specific "stakeholders engagement" policy, which is part of the Group's ESG policy.

Dialogue with stakeholders is part of ENGIE's development strategy. The dialogue policy makes it possible to identify risks while providing the means to prevent, reduce or offset the various social, societal and environmental impacts of the Group's activities. It is part of the Group's commercial strategy as an added value element of our commercial offer. It is complementary to the environmental policy, with which it is closely coordinated. ENGIE's policy of "stakeholders engagement" includes several elements: a Group objective, a toolbox, a training program and operational support from the ESG Department.

For more information, see the web page, Stakeholder engagement: the Group's methodology


A Dialogue Committee with stakeholders

The Group is committed to building a meaningful dialogue with each of its stakeholders. In 2021, ENGIE set up a Dialogue Committee with its stakeholders as well as a discussion forum (the Dialog and Transition forum)  to support sensitive projects. This Committee met on October 21, 2022 on the theme of just transition.