EVBox: 10 years of innovation driving forward electric mobility

By ENGIE - 02 October 2020 - 18:03

Since 2010, pioneering company EVBox has been investing in green mobility by developing smart charging solutions for electric vehicles. EvBox became a subsidiary of ENGIE in 2017 and has continued to innovate in a market in which it is now the world leader.


In 2010, when EVBox installed its first electric vehicle charging stations in the Netherlands, the green mobility market was still in its infancy. The sector’s growth is hampered by two main obstacles: inadequate access to charging points and vehicles with a still very limited mileage range. This fact prompted the founders of EVBox to develop modular, easy-to-use and resistant charging stations. They are also suitable for use anywhere, by residential, business or public sector customers.  


Partner of "laboratory" cities 

EVBox very quickly became established as the provider of public infrastructure in the Netherlands’ main cities, Amsterdam and Rotterdam, where it is developing key solutions for the growth of low-carbon transport. As its CEO Kristof Vereenooghe points out, these major metropolises represent genuine testing grounds: “Cities like Rotterdam play a crucial role in our learning and our contribution to tomorrow's successes with ENGIE.” 


World leader in electric mobility alongside ENGIE

Its acquisition by the ENGIE group in 2017 has enabled EVBox to scale-up its innovations. The challenge: to meet the energy needs of a constantly growing vehicle fleet. Ensuring interoperability between the technologies of the various sustainable mobility players has been a key factor in increasing the efficiency of infrastructures.
ENGIE and EVBox have also developed a user-centric system that allows users to initiate a request for the installation of stations as close as possible to their needs. As a result, between 2015 and 2019, EVBox increased its presence fivefold, from 20,000 to 100,000 charging stations.

One million EVBox stations installed worldwide by 2025 

The ENGIE subsidiary then continued to innovate, actively investing in ultra-fast charging technologies. This strategy led it to acquire the Bordeaux-based SME EVTronic in 2018. Now the world leader in the ecomobility sector, thanks to its smart charging solutions present in more than 70 countries, EVBox is committed to installing a million stations worldwide by 2025: an objective in line with the exponential growth being seen in green transport today.  



To support this ambition, public charging stations are being deployed on a massive scale. This strategy, championed by Koen Noyens, Director of EU Policy at EVBox, addresses the European Green Deal goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. To continue building the future of electric mobility, alongside ENGIE.