The Group has for many years practiced a conscious policy of promoting gender diversity and professional equality between men and women. ENGIE is developing a gender diversity policy and is taking concrete action to help women progress within the Group and support them in their career development: introduction of quantified objectives, organization of a women’s network “Women in Networking”, a European agreement on professional equality, a parenthood policy, partnerships, a campaign against sexism, equal pay, etc.
Increasing the number of women in the Group is one of the indicators monitored for ENGIE’s non-financial indicators, particularly managerial parity.
A deep-seated policy of diversity at ENGIE
The policy we have been pursuing for over 10 years has led to the emergence of a culture of gender diversity, shared by all the Group’s employees, men and women alike. The members of the Group's Executive Committee include four women (36%).
In 2017, the Group signed an open-ended European agreement on professional equality between women and men, thereby committing itself to promoting both equal opportunity and treatment at a practical level in all Group entities in Europe, to changing the managerial culture and the culture of the trade unions and to combating sexism. For the implementation of this agreement, action plans have been set up for each of the entities and a Group action plan has been drawn up to provide impetus and coordination.
Developing managerial parity: 50% target in 2030
ENGIE is accelerating the integration of women through its Fifty-Fifty project, which aims to create the necessary conditions to achieve managerial parity by 2030 and to strengthen cultural anchoring and managerial practices over the long term.
On the occasion of the publication of its 2019 results, ENGIE has adopted a new set of objectives to be met by 2030,aligned to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Among these objectives, 3 key objectives will be integrated in a recurring reporting given the large role they play in moving ENGIE forward, one of which directly concerns our Fifty-Fifty project:
- on gender diversity, the share of women in the management of the Group should increase to 50% in 2030 (for 24,1% in 2020), through internal promotions and external recruitment;
Some figures for 2020:
- 29.9% of women among Top Managers in 2020 (28.4% in 2020).
- 25,4% of appointments of women to top management positions in 2020.
- 34,9% of women among “High Potentials” in 2020.
- In 2020, 25% of recruits in work-study training were women.

A range of initiatives in support of professional equality
In order to help women progress and support them in their career development, ENGIE has implemented a number of actions, in particular:
- In September 2019, the ENGIE Group signed the UN Women’s Empowerment Principles to promote gender equality in the work environment.
- The “Women In Networking” (WIN) international network of women: founded in 2008, this network involves women employees who are motivated and driven to advance diversity and inclusivity within ENGIE.
- The parenthood policy: for employees working in France, places in daycare centers are offered at certain Group sites, as well as extended parental leave in pilot entities. The objective is to bring all entities on board, and to be a precursor of this societal change.
- Monitoring of equal pay, with the aim of progressively extending the use of the gender equality index in all our entities, throughout the world. It is enforced in France under the “Professional Future” law.
- Promoting gender diversity in technical careers by raising the young people’s awareness through partnerships.
- Increasing numbers of young women recruited on work-study programs to help increase the number of women in the workforce, particularly in developing professions within ENGIE.
A policy of partnerships
- The Global Summit of Women (GSW): ENGIE takes part every year in the Global Summit of Women (GSW), sometimes called the “Davos for women”. Since the outset, it has attracted speakers of a very high level and women from the Group have the opportunity to join in the debates.
- Women On the Move: ENGIE has been a partner of this association for some ten years. The primary ambition of Women On the Move is to strengthen gender diversity in companies in the sectors.
- Capital Filles: ENGIE is a partner of an operation called Capital Filles in which women sponsors from the Group give support to female high school students living in disadvantaged areas to introduce them to careers in science, technology and industry and guide them in making their career choices.
- Cercle InterElles: an inter-company think tank dedicated to initiatives promoting jobs for women in technical and scientific fields, providing them with access to positions with responsibilities, and ensuring them a better work-life balance.
- Women Initiative Foundation for the promotion of women in the workplace (mentoring, inter-company leadership programs, etc.).
- Signature of a charter committing to help combat violence against women, an initiative instigated by FACE and the Kering Foundation.
Professional gender equality index
In compliance with the provisions of the law of 5 September 2018 “for the freedom to choose one’s professional future”, aimed at eliminating pay gaps between men and women, every French company in the ENGIE group with more than 50 employees is required to calculate and publish this index and to take pertinent corrective action, if necessary, under pain of financial sanctions of up to 1% of the company’s payroll.