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Decarbonization of businesses: action!


By ENGIE - 15 June 2022 - 14:08

The climate emergency is urging our economies to become net zero carbon. Since the Paris Agreement in 2015, national governments, regions and organisations have announced their net zero carbon goals. The scientific community and a growing number of committed stakeholders and businesses have helped to identify the actions that must be taken.  This feature explains how ENGIE is helping businesses achieve their net zero carbon transition.


How do we make decarbonization happen?

A precise roadmap, strategies to reduce energy consumption, solutions to decarbonize industrial production and service-sector sites, etc. Discover ENGIE's 360° decarbonization offer.


According to scientists, humanity only has three years to ensure we have a world we can live in. The aim is to decarbonize human activities. But what does this mean exactly? What goals have been set in this respect? And practically speaking, how do we go about decarbonizing? Read more


Decarbonizing business now!

Following on from governments and regions, the private sector is now tackling decarbonization in a tense international context. What challenges and goals are businesses facing? Read more


Decarbonization: ENGIE supports its clients locally

Decarbonization is at the heart of ENGIE's strategy: the Group announced that it avoided 25 million tons (Mt CO2e) of greenhouse gas emissions for its clients in 2023 and aims for 45 Mt CO2e by 2030. What solutions and innovations does ENGIE use to support its clients? Frank Lacroix, ENGIE's Deputy CEO in charge of Energy Solutions activities, explains. Read more


ENGIE partners committed companies with its 360 decarbonization offer

To tackle the climate emergency, ENGIE experts are offering a 360° decarbonization offer to help businesses in the industry and services sector take up this huge challenge. Read more

offre decarbonation



85% of companies have set net zero carbon targets, only one in four are on track to achieve them.
source: 2019 Climate Disclosure Project - CDP



Reduce your scope 3 emissions and achieve carbon neutrality

On average, 90% of a company's carbon footprint comes from scope 3 emissions from its value chain. Although high, these emissions are still underestimated in sustainable development reports. As organisations turn to the scientific community to help them make decisions, they are realising the urgency with which they must adapt their activities in the face of climate disturbances and risks. Read more

>> Is there an objective way for public and private players to measure decarbonization? Yes! Find out more <<


Solutions & business cases… decarbonization in action

Green PPAs, renewables and green hydrogen, energy efficiency, recovering waste heat, etc. All our decarbonization solutions.


"By 2030, our solutions may have helped our customers avoid more than 45 million tonnes of CO2 emissions by stepping up their decarbonization processes." 


PPAs decarbonize industry and communities

Intended for companies and communities, this medium or long-term contract allows the purchase of renewable energy at a predefined and stable price. What is it? PPA stands for Power Purchase Agreement. We explain in detail. Read more


How the mining industry is using green hydrogen to reduce its carbon footprint

Can green hydrogen help to significantly reduce the mining industry's carbon footprint? Yes, because it can be used as a fuel for heavy-duty vehicles, an energy source for generating "hydrogen electricity" to power production processes, and a raw material for making explosives. It has caught the interest of the mining industry for all these reasons, and ENGIE is strategically placed to advise and support industry players. Read more


Why has Big Tech chosen us?

Amazon, Microsoft and Google are all customers of ENGIE, primarily through CPPAs - long-term renewable energy supply contracts for clients. When it comes to decarbonisation, tech giants are leading the way. Why have they chosen ENGIE? Why are we a preferred partner? Two Group experts explain all!

"Not all our customers have the necessary funds to make the necessary investments. So we finance their facilities, which we install and then operate and maintain. This comprehensive solution has a faster and more conclusive impact on the performance of their systems." 
Cécile Prévieu, Chief Operating Officer of ENGIE, Energy Solutions activities.

BASF & ENGIE: a PPA to decarbonize electricity consumption

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In late 2021, ENGIE and BASF signed a 25-year Power Purchase Agreement for renewable energy in Europe. Under the terms of this PPA, which came into effect in January 2022, ENGIE will provide BASF with up to 20.7 terawatt hours of renewable electricity. Read more

Yoplait & ENGIE: a district heated by waste energy

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In Vienne (Isère, France), ENGIE Solutions, Yoplait Productions France and city authorities have joined forces to use the energy generated by the Yoplait plant to heat the district. Another step in the transition to decarbonized heat! Read more

TotalEnergies & ENGIE: using green hydrogen to decarbonize an industrial site

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TotalEnergies is partnering ENGIE to reduce the carbon footprint of its La Mède biorefinery. Together, they are developing the Masshylia project for launch in 2024, when it will become the first French site for the production of renewable hydrogen on an industrial scale. Read more

Tesla/Luik Natie & ENGIE: partners for carbon neutral port logistics

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In Antwerp, Belgium, Luik Natie, a company specialised in logistics solutions, has chosen ENGIE for help and support with its carbon neutrality initiative. Thanks to the use of renewable energy, particularly Tesla Megapack – a solution with the capacity of a giant battery, used for the first time by the Group – Luik Natie will become the first carbon-neutral operator in the port of Antwerp. Read more

ENGIE is also driving its own energy transition

As a leader in low-carbon energy systems, ENGIE has set itself the goal of being Net Zero Carbon by 2045, across its three scopes:


How ENGIE, a leading energy player, is achieving its net zero carbon goals

Decarbonizing the energy sector is a challenge like no other: energy production is responsible for nearly ¾ of global greenhouse gas emissions. And reaching the Net Zero Carbon target requires a complete transformation of the energy system which drives the global economy. Yet 80% of today's energy suppliers still depend on fossil fuels. Read more